Graduation Application

BEFORE COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, please ensure that ALL your requirements have been met/are in process of being met by going to > Student Center > Other Academic Information (dropdown menu) > Academic Requirements.* Click here for more detailed instructions.


*Graduate students DO NOT need to enroll in the 0-credit Exit Interview before submitting. You will be automatically enrolled after your application is approved.

My last name starts with:
My final degree requirements will be completed:

This will make you a SPRING 2025 graduate! Are you already registered for EVERYTHING you need to graduate? If not, please do so BEFORE submitting this application. Not sure? Click here.

This will make you a SUMMER 2025 graduate! Are you already registered for everything EXCEPT what you'll be doing in the summer? If not, please do so BEFORE submitting this application. Not sure? Click here.

I intend to take part in: (optional)
From what academic career will you be graduating?

Commencement and Contact Information

I am planning to attend the commencement ceremony for my campus (if eligible)
Which Commencement Ceremony will you be attending?

Summer graduates whose only remaining requirement at the start of the summer semester is their ministry internship are eligible to participate in the May 2025 commencement. 

Summer graduates who have 6 or fewer credits remaining at the start of the summer semester are eligible to participate in the May 2025 commencement ceremony. 

Summer graduates are eligible to participate in the May 2026 commencement ceremony.

Updated Commencement Ceremony details can be found at

Eligible graduating students are expected to participate in the annual commencement ceremony. Graduating students who choose to not participate in the commencement ceremony will not receive a reduction to the graduation fee, nor will they receive commencement regalia items. Only participating graduates will receive these items. For additional information and instructions regarding Graduation and Commencement, contact the Office of Academic Records.


Please enter the address information below for where you would like your diploma to be shipped to after your degree has been conferred.

By checking the box below I confirm that I have updated my contact information in student portal center. I have provided a non-moody email, phone number, and mailing address.

Doctrinal Positions and Content Clarification

To maintain continuity and consistency with the heritage entrusted to its care, Moody Bible Institute requires its students to agree with, personally adhere to, and support all the school’s doctrinal distinctives. These identify what is believed and taught in our classes. However, the school also recognizes that its specific theological positions do not define orthodoxy for the whole body of Christ. For this reason, Moody Bible Institute accepts students from other theological traditions within conservative evangelicalism. However, in order to be eligible to graduate, students must personally adhere to and support the following doctrinal positions:

  • the inspiration, authority and inerrancy of Scripture
  • the Trinity
  • the full deity and full humanity of Christ
  • the creation of the human race in the image of God
  • the spiritual lostness of the human race
  • the substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection of Christ
  • salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ alone
  • the physical and imminent return of Christ
  • the eternal reward of the righteous and the eternal judgment of the lost.


Human Sexuality Position Statement

In addition to the above doctrinal qualifications, all graduating students must personally adhere to and support the doctrinal statement of biblical human sexuality articulated below.

The position of Moody Bible Institute on human sexuality and marriage is grounded in the authority of the Bible as the divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God. Our position is also consistent with the teaching of the Church throughout the centuries.

Since the beginning of creation, God has revealed His intention for human personhood, sexual identity, and sexual intimacy in marriage. God created humanity in His image as male and female, thus giving all humanity value, dignity, and eternal significance. The distinction God created between male and female is part of His glorious plan to bless humanity. It is the foundation for all subsequent human life and is reflected in a person’s biological birth sex; embracing one’s birth sex honors this distinction as designed by God but misrepresenting one’s birth sex violates God’s generous intention for human relationships. The goodness and beauty of God’s creation is affirmed by Jesus Christ and is foundational for the New Testament view of human sexuality.

God designed marriage to be a monogamous, permanent, committed relationship between a male and a female. This divine design is the standard that defines appropriate sexual expression and is beautifully mirrored in the holy union between Christ and His Church. Marriage is the God-ordained context for the sexual union between a male and a female and is blessed with life-giving potential by God Himself. We believe, in joyful obedience to the Bible, that God created human sexuality and marriage as a glorious sign of His never-ending love. We praise and worship God for this magnificent blessing.

Tragically, with the entrance of sin into the world, humanity has distorted God’s design for human sexuality and marriage. All humanity now struggles with immoral desires and temptations to act in a way that is contrary to God’s purposes for human flourishing. Nevertheless, God responds with gracious and merciful love to identify sinful expressions of human sexuality.

With one consistent voice, the Bible teaches that any type of sexual activity outside the God-ordained marriage of male and female is sinful. Therefore, specific activities such as premarital sex, adultery, or homosexual sex are inconsistent with God’s holy purposes for sexual expression. We regard these divinely given guidelines and prohibitions as enduring expressions of God’s love, blessing, and protection of human life and dignity. We also condemn any act that violates this God-endowed human dignity—such as rape, sexual abuse, pornography, or sex trafficking—as an affront to God’s divine plan for His creation. 

We fully acknowledge that every human being struggles to some extent with issues related to human sexuality because of the fall of humanity into sin. While we affirm the biblical truth about marriage and sexuality, we also affirm that the grace and love of God in Christ extends to every human being without exception.

We rejoice in the good news that God has come in Jesus Christ to redeem humanity and restore us to a right relationship with Himself through the forgiveness of our sins. As we turn to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith, He breaks the power of sin in our lives and brings about a spiritual transformation that enables us to live holy lives. In our relationship with Christ, we find merciful restraint from our sinfulness. The Bible expects Christians to live out the ethical demands of their relationship with Christ as it relates to human sexuality. We acknowledge that our physical bodies and our sexuality are eternally significant to God, and we submit our bodies to Him as an act of worship. We anticipate the glorious second coming of our Lord Jesus, at which time our sexuality will be finally and fully delivered from the presence of sin to the praise and glory of God. We therefore reject cultural views and movements that are at variance with God’s design for human sexuality and marriage, willingly embracing and practicing biblical teaching as an act of worship and praise.

Knowing that Christ’s redeeming grace is our only true strength, all our efforts to love and support the members of our community will be oriented to the cross upon which Christ died as the final sacrifice for our sin. We seek to be representatives of mercy and love by upholding the biblical vision for true human flourishing. All members of Moody Bible Institute are expected to treat one another with respect and Christ’s love as we grow together in our common conformity to Him. We willingly submit ourselves to these biblical mandates in light of our call to holiness and to self-surrender. Members of our community will neither practice nor propagate positions or activities at variance with Moody’s position.

Are you in agreement with the doctrinal position of the Institute as expressed in the above statement of faith and human sexuality position statement?

If you select "No," you will be unable to submit this application. Please email to explain your reasons for disagreement.

Additionally, in order to be eligible to graduate, Chicago and Spokane Undergraduate students must:

  • Agree to pay the Graduation Fee of $175
  • Successfully complete all academic program requirements, including Ministry Internship requirements
  • Submit transcripts or test scores, if applicable, prior to the start of a student’s final semester
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00
    • 2.50 for BA - Elementary Education and BS - Missionary Aviation Technology
  • Receive passing credit for each semester of Practical Christian Ministry
  • Demonstrate a commendable spiritual life and Christian character and display approved conduct in accordance with Moody's guidelines
  • Be approved to graduate by the Office of Academic Records and the Undergraduate Faculty.

Students are responsible to ensure that they are enrolled in all final degree requirements before submitting the application for graduation. Submitting an application for graduation does not guarantee that the student will graduate in the term requested. The Office of Academic Records reserves the right to reject the graduation application of any student who has not enrolled in their final requirements before the submission of this graduation application, or is otherwise unqualified to graduate.

Graduation Applications can take up to 2 weeks to process. You will receive an email when your application is processed and whether it is approved or denied.

Do you understand and agree to abide by this policy?

Additionally, in order to be eligible to graduate, Undergraduate Online students must: 

  • Agree to pay the Graduation Fee of $175
  • Successfully complete all academic program requirements.
  • Submit transcripts or test scores, if applicable, prior to the start of a student’s final semester.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.
  • Demonstrate a commendable spiritual life and Christian character and display approved conduct in accordance with Moody’s guidelines.
  • Be approved to graduate by the Office of Academic Records and the Undergraduate Faculty.

Students are responsible to ensure that they are enrollmed in all final degree requirements before submitting the application for graduation. Submitting an application for graduation does not guarantee that the student will graduate in the term requested. The Office of Academic Records reserves the right to reject the graduation application of any student who has not enrolled in their final requirements before the submission of this graduation application, or is otherwise unqualified to graduate.

Graduation Applications can take up to 2 weeks to process. You will receive an email when your application is processed and whether it is approved or denied.

Do you understand and agree to abide by this policy?

Additionally, in order to be eligible to graduate, Moody Theological Seminary students must:

  • Agree to pay the Graduation Fee of $175
  • Successfully complete all academic program requirements, including (when applicable) residency, thesis, and ministry internship (Doctor of Ministry students must defend their project with a passing grade).
  • Submit transcripts and faculty approval for all transfer credit, advanced standing credit, and validation examination credit, if applicable, within the first semester of enrollment.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 (Doctor of Ministry requires a 2.70 GPA).
  • Demonstrate a commendable spiritual life and Christian character and display approved conduct in accordance with Moody's guidelines.
  • Successfully complete the exit interview and submit portfolio (if required) with program head.
  • Be approved to graduate by the Office of Academic Records and the seminary faculty

Students are responsible to ensure that they are enrolled in all final degree requirements before submitting the application for graduation, with the exception of your Exit Interview. Submitting an application for graduation does not guarantee that the student will graduate in the term requested. The Office of Academic Records reserves the right to reject the graduation application of any student who has not enrolled in their final requirements before the submission of this graduation application, or is otherwise unqualified to graduate.

Graduation Applications can take up to 2 weeks to process. You will receive an email when your application is processed and whether it is approved or denied.

Do you understand and agree to abide by this policy?


Signature: By typing your name below, you certify that you are the student, that what you've indicated on this application is truthful, and that you authorize this action for your own account and agree to the following:

I, , acknowledge that I am or will be a student at The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago (“Moody”). I further acknowledge and agree that my electronic signature to this Graduation Application is intended to authenticate this writing and to have the same force and effect as my manual signature.

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