Course Modality Definitions
A course mode of instruction describes the way students interact with and engage the course material, instructor, other students, or any work that must be done as a part of the course requirements. Below is the list of different modalities in which Moody Bible Institute and Moody Theological Seminary students may take courses. To see the mode of instruction for a course while you are searching for classes, just look at the course details before adding the class to your shopping cart:
In Person
In this modality, your physical presence in the classroom location is required during specific times of the week/day. Could include seminars, in-person lectures, music ensemble conduction, supervised cohort/group work, fitness activities, field work (internships), or delegated instruction.
This mode of instruction is a combination of face-to-face instruction and online instruction as defined and determined by the instructor. Hybrid courses use multiple modes of instruction without being distinctly different periods of time or content. Variations could include instructor lecturing live students in one classroom with other students in a different location watching the lectures via video conferencing software.
Highly Flexible (HyFlex)
HyFlex is a unique modality with options to attend in person, synchronous (live via Zoom) and asynchronous (recorded Zoom lectures). Students decide how to participate and can swap between these three options.
Online Instruction
This is the most common online class format. It is asynchronous, meaning the student is not required to attend any live meetings, in person or online. Delivery of instruction is 100% online, with weekly assignments such as tests, readings, essays, discussion boards, etc. Course content is mainly delivered through self-guided material with optional enhancements using short, pre-recorded media. There is no live interaction between the instructor and students. The course will be administered through Canvas.
Online Synchronous (Zoom Classroom)
This modality is distinct in that the course includes live meeting times for lecture, discussion, or other instructor-led interaction. It is otherwise the same as Online Asynchronous. The course will be administered through Canvas.
Online Self-Paced
This modality functions the same as the standard Online Instruction modality, except that there are no hard deadlines for any assignments until the end of the course. In this, the student is not only able to participate asynchronously, but is allowed to complete assignments at their own pace. Additionally, whereas most Online Instruction courses are 8 weeks long, Online Self-Paced courses are typically 16 weeks long (10 weeks in summer). The course will be administered through Canvas.
Directed Study
A directed study course is an option available to students who, due to extenuating circumstances, are not able to meet program or graduation requirements within the regularly scheduled courses. Directed studies may only be used to meet requirements for a student’s designated degree program. Students must request a directed study using the form for their respective program, available from the Office of Academic Records (click "Forms" on the left of this page)
Click Here for a full list of modalities and their definitions.
Contact Us
Office of Academic Records
Phone: (312) 329-4469
Fax: (312) 329-8987
Office Information:
Mon–Fri, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CST
Crowell Hall Floor 2